Mirror Image, National Poetry Month Post #5

Photo Credit by Cottonbro on Pexels.com

Blessings everyone, I hope and pray that everyone is well. April is National Poetry Month and today is the last day. I’ve been sharing poems every week and this is one of my newest pieces titled, “Mirror Image.” The form of poetry is called a “cleave” poem. I learned about this form of poetry in my Writing to Wellness class through Creative Suitland that I am in and we were challenged to write about something that needs attention and to be healed.

You will hear in the video below that I discovered while sitting still for the most part in this pandemic that I am a reflection of my mother. Myself and my mother have a lot of things in common (God rest her soul) which are great, but in this particular instance, I’m talking about a challenge that held us back and could have blocked blessings for my future if I did not pause to recognize it.

I hope that this poem can indeed help someone on their healing journey. The one thing I have learned within this pandemic is that it’s okay to be still even with feelings that you might not be comfortable with and to address those feelings and wounds so the baggage can be tackled and put away properly.


If you like or love what you hear, I invite you to browse my website where you can find more great poetry, books, my blog, workshops and events.

You can also find me on social media platforms @divinewryte

Be well, safe and blessed.

#reflection #breakingcycles #baggage #bestill #NationalPoetryMonth #CleavePoem #healing #creativesuitland