Hi again! Sorry it’s been a while since the last blog. This one is short, sweet and to the point. Once you have written your wonderful book, it’s flushed out, and edited (see below if you need to get it edited first or second), then you want to have a test group called Beta Readers. Your book will sound great to you, but how will it read and interest others? This is where your very honest beta readers come into place.

You want to recruit a group of avid readers who will read your book and give you very honest feedback. When I say get readers you can trust, you want not only honest feedback but people who like or love the genre you are writing whether it’s fiction, science fiction, romance, poetry, children’s books, etc. As a writer you give them firm deadlines. You want your book back within a month or so because you need their feedback so you can move forward. If they can’t commit to the deadline you set, then find another reader.

They have to be more than avid readers and book lovers; they have to read that genre as well as explained above. For example if you have friends who absolutely love science fiction and you’re writing a memoir and they don’t really like those kinds of books then they would not be a good reader for your book. If you have a friend who doesn’t dig poetry and yet your entire book is full of poems then they might not be a good fit for your beta readers group. Get my drift?

There are a variety of ways to recruit them. If you’re active on Facebook, Twitter, belong to a social media group, an organization, etc then put out a call for readers. Ask friends and colleagues if they have friends who are avid readers and would like to be a part of the group.
How many you have is up to you. I would suggest 2-3 people. If too many people have your book, then you now have a lot of feedback to go through. More doesn’t always mean better. (I learned that the hard way).
Nothing against friends reading your book as a beta reader but sometimes your friends may not want to give you all of the honest feedback you need. Also something may come up and they need extension after extension to read your book and they know you would understand because you are their friend.

This is serious business, this is your dream and passion. So get beta readers that are passionate as you, love to read and especially the genre you write in and can get through your book within the deadline that you set. Remember once you receive the feedback to not take it personal. This is positive feedback to help your book be even greater!

Set a deadline that makes sense. People are busy and taking time out of their schedules to read your book. If your book is very lengthy you may want to have a midpoint check in with them before they read the second half.

As a thank you for reading your book, maybe you can offer them a complimentary autographed book when it’s published, a small gift card or some sort of token of your appreciation. Some people are even paid to be beta readers whether it’s a stipend or something along those lines. If you have trouble finding beta readers then reach out to a writers group or organization that has a list of people willing and ready to read!
If your book needs a lot of professional editing then get it edited first and then get beta readers. Some people write very well and can flush it out without an editor at first. Then they can take the feedback that the beta readers have and integrate it into their book. But it’s okay if you need your book professionally edited first if you have trouble with grammatical errors, run on sentences, etc. Then once you get feedback and factor that in make that part of your editing process with your editor. Talk to your editor about a process that will work for the both of you to accomplish this step.
Stay tuned for the next writing tip, “Getting Your Book Professionally Edited.”
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