Interview/Author Talk on MediaScope About My Latest Book, “Artists’ Paradise, Pieces of Life Volume 3

Peace, love and light everyone. I hope all is well. I was blessed and honored to be interviewed on MediaScope and to talk about my latest book that is now available for pre-order, “Artists’ Paradise, Pieces of Life, Volume 3.” You can check out the interview below!

We talked about the making of the book, what has inspired me to write, what all I’m doing with my writing, upcoming self-publishing workshops and who this book will affect. It was an amazing time! Check out the replay, leave comments and also, don’t forget to stop by the store and pre-order your copy of Artists’ Paradise today! Thank you again Dr. Tachi of Indie Soup Media and MediaScope for the interview and love!


Blessings everyone and Happy Thursday! Tonight is the night! Self-Publishing 201: The Next Steps virtual workshop is taking place virtually at 7:00 p.m. EST, hosted by Creative Suitland! If you are an aspiring writer, an author who would like to learn more about what to do next with your book or just want to learn the process, you can register through: and select Self-Publishing 201! Donations go from $5.00-$15.00!

Here are a couple of testimonies about 201:

“I have taken a few novel writing classes and read various books on fiction writing.  In comparison, I found Serena Wills did a great job of compressing so much useful information, along with great insights, in a relatively short amount of time.  She also was great at answering the viewers many different types of questions, which is not always the case online.”

John B.

It was a really amazing session and Serena gave the audience a lot of great take-aways. Monica L.

Hope to see you TONIGHT! Be well!

#selfpublishing #writerslife #birthyourdreams #indieauthors #creativesuitland #writing #writer #publishing

My Passion for Writing!

My Passion for Writing!

Welcome to my blog and my website. I wanted my first post to be about what led me to be a writer and down the road to becoming a self-published author.

Image not owned by me

Throughout my blogs I will post poetry, inspiring articles, talk more about my journey and share some tips that I’ve learned through publishing. I love writing everything from poetry, children’s stories, fiction and memoirs.

I’ve been writing since I was a little girl and I always loved to write children’s stories that were a reflection of me. I grew up mainly in the 80s and born in the 70s and that was during the era of roller skating, disco music, rap, block parties and great times. The first book I ever wrote was on construction paper and it was titled, “Cinderella the Disco Queen.” I loved the story Cinderella but she didn’t look like me and my Cinderella had a big afro puff and roller skates instead of glass slippers. Her goal was to get to the ball that was at the roller skating rink to meet the prince. From there I just wrote stories because I love to write and I was really shy to the point where I barely talked to anyone and at that point of time I didn’t know that I was using my voice through writing.

When I entered a specialized Elementary School in Harlem , NY called Central Park East 1 my beloved principal and my teachers really pushed me to keep writing. They gave me journals and I would go through a few of them in one semester just writing stories. When I got to the high school (Central Park East Seconday School) one of my portfolios in order to graduate I wrote an African folktale or myth. My teacher’s at that time and a couple in particular said we really see you being published one day. We see this portfolio in particular becoming a published children’s book. I thanked them for the compliments and never saw myself as published and I brushed off what they said. I never thought I could become published.

I kept writing all through college and then I started writing poetry when I graduated. Poetry for me was a way to get through life’s tribulations, help heal me through pain with bad breakups and then I started writing poetry about the beautiful things I experienced in life and what inspired me. I wrote lots of poetry, kept writing children’s books, and then I even delved into fiction books. One article that I wrote for a magazine started off as just a simple few pages and then before you know it years later I was writing “The End” as it was now a fiction book which will be dropping in 2019 titled, “Losing Yourself in a Man.”

Writing for me is freedom, creative way to express myself and what I’ve learned with my writing is that some of it is even helping others as they go through things in life. It’s healing for my soul and it is something I am deeply passionate about.

Image not owned by me.

My first book “Reconstruction, Pieces of Life Volume 1” came out in 2014 and that was originally a journal that I had pieced together for a silent auction for beautiful organization called Arts Conspiracy in Dallas Texas in 2008. I collaborated with artists and I had artwork in my journal and it sold for $100 that night. The woman who was outbidded asked me a question that sat with me for years, she asked, “Where can I buy a copy of the published book?” The light bulb went off and I told her I will start working on it!

Life happens and I put my books to the side to tend to my mother who became ill with ovarian cancer and then eventually passed away and then I started my own family. It wasn’t until I got bitten by a tick which will be in another blog in itself and was diagnosed with Lyme disease and was at a very sick point in my life when I dusted off Reconstruction, Pieces of Life Volume 1 and that was a year-and-a-half of writing and collaborating with artists all the while going through IV treatments and trying to get 35 symptoms down to zero. I wanted to leave a legacy for my son in case I died because I felt that sick. Hence the book being birthed in 2014 during one of the darkest and sickest moments of my life.

I’m sharing all of this just to give you a glimpse of my personal writing journey and I have now published two poetry books and I have more books on the way. There are also numerous articles out in the universe too since I’m a health and wellness writer for blogs and online magazines and have poetry published in a variety of places. I’m hoping that I can inspire someone who is thinking about writing, has stuff in their laptop and put it to the side like I did because life happened and I’m hoping that I can encourage them to dust that journal, laptop, notebook whatever they used to write and to just write. Even if you only write a page or two a week. If the pen and pad are calling you then don’t ignore the call like I did. Ever since I got a second chance on life I have not stopped writing. Birth your book, article, research, art…whatever it is. It’s time to birth your dreams and follow your path!

Image not owned by me.