


From the author of Reconstruction, Pieces of Life Volume 1, The Awakening, Pieces of Life Volume 2, and Crying Tears of Teal comes a poetry book filled with the diverse genres and beauty of the arts! Artists’ Paradise, Pieces of Life Volume 3 is Serena’s dedication to her love for the arts and the innumerable ways art has impacted her life. Artistically crafted verses illuminate some of her life experiences—as a little girl mesmerized by the intricate choreography of her mother’s African dance company, The International Afrikan American Ballet—as a teenager/young woman riding the New York City subway captivated by dancers and rappers performing on the platform and trains—as an artist coming into her own, communing and collaborating with other artists, painters, musicians, and writers—as a professional, employed with arts education organizations—to the present as a master Poet and craftswoman of spoken word! She also writes about the experiences of others and how the arts healed their lives. This book is a live artistic showcase intertwining poetry and pages. So, grab your front row seat!!! It’s time to escape into poetic bliss in Artists Paradise.

“You will utilize your five senses in ARTISTS’ PARADISE by Serena Wills. The imagery of her words floats right off the pages and into your imagination. Her verses make you want to reach out, touch poetry and experience it for yourself. This is a collection you will want to read again and again.”

KaNikki Jakarta, The First Black Poet Laureate for Alexandria, Virginia

“Artists’ Paradise, Pieces of Life Volume 3” presents a collection of poetry that extends a soul-soothing and heart-affirming touch to all. The collection’s visceral imagery, lyrical flow, and universal themes comprise the brush that paint these as forever poems. Poems you will carry in your spirit for all times. One need not be an artist or other creative to connect with this masterful collection. One need only be human; broken, or whole. 

Ann Fields, Author of Voices from The Block and Founder of The Writers Block in Dallas, Texas


  • Cover image by Riki Johnson-Atkins
  • In Color Artistic inserts throughout book by Riki Johnson-Atkins, Samax Amen, Diamond Tanaya, Jordan I, Michael Lagocki, Tara Lessard, Conor Muldoon and Sherry Muldoon
  • Editing by Dawn Adams, The Training Ground
  • Book Cover Design, Typesetting, Marketing and Publishing Assistance by Watersprings Publishing
  • Author Photo by Simone Forgione
  • Section on artists that are making a huge impact locally and globally
  • Book Previews


This book of poetry speaks to the many levels of relationships. It reads like a story and will take you through a journey of someone being in love, marital bliss to a feeling of betrayal and broken heartedness. The back-and-forth feelings is one that many could relate to. In order to get your life back in order one must have a time of reconstruction. Center yourself, focus on the divine higher power and love yourself. You will be taken on a poetically written journey as you enjoy, learn, cry meditate and lose yourself in the moment in poetry. You can buy your autographed copy OR e-book at the store by clicking here


I finished this amazing collection of poetry, and the beautiful story being told, eager to learn more about your journey and a look into your heart, life and soul. I’m grateful that you are such a prolific writer and allowed us a look underneath some of those layers into your depth to see that which is you. A glimpse at your journey, your struggles, obstacles, challenges led to ultimate strength and reconstruction. Something we can all relate too on one level or another. Thank you so much.

Selina Stone, Avid Reader


Enjoy these special artistic contributions from these amazing artists: 

  • Liberation by Riki Johnson-Atkins
  • David Rodriguez (cover image)
  • Essex Graphix (book layout and graphic design)
  • Dee Hill (author photo)
  • Artistic inserts throughout the book by Samax Amen, Riki Johnson-Atkins, Soukaa and Adinkra symbols and definitions are from the Adinkra Dictionary by W. Bruce Willis
  • Special Section Listing Arts Collectives, Companies and Organizations to Support that focus on the arts, education and literacy.
  • Dawn Adams (editor)


“Easy love that satisfies the soul”…now, THAT is breathtaking! Artistic, earthy and tender, Serena’s words of poetry take flight with lovely brushstrokes, painting eloquent images that touch the heart. Reconstruction, Pieces of Life, even the title is beautifully strong.”

Dr. Vivi Monroe-Congress, Author of No Condemnation & The Bankrupt Spirit.


Reconstruction, Pieces of Life, Volume 1 Book Launch Video!

You can buy your autographed copy or e-book today through the online store,  or through Amazon and Barnes and Noble.



A compelling poetry collection that travels the paths of those battling gynecological cancer, their caregivers, their grieving families and those who survived! Crying Tears of Teal chronicles the travails of diagnosis, prognosis, the battle, the love, the healing, grief and the victory of those who survive. It is dedicated to the warriors, their families and loved ones. You will smile, cry, meditate, and pray as you read this poetic novel. Written from the bedside perspective of a caregiver, as Serena lovingly tended to her mother who battled ovarian cancer. This book will help raise awareness of ovarian cancer and other gynecological cancers.

Please check out the events page to see where Serena will be throughout the year (physically and virtually) and how you can support and raise awareness! A portion of the proceeds from Crying Tears of Teal at events and online will be given back to chapters within the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition.

Books are Available on Amazon (paperback and Kindle) &, Barnes and Noble, OR autographed copies and e-books can be purchased through my store. There is also a Crying Tears of Teal fundraiser package that comes with a books and swag. 50% of the proceeds goes back to organizations and chapters of the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition that is raising awareness. The book comes with stickers, information and bookmarks.


  • The Flood by Jedigoddess


“I read your poetry every morning as a form of mental sustenance and meditation. You have brought more beauty to my world.”

Lindsay Greene, ESQ


Crying Tears of Teal Book Promo Video Launch!



The Awakening, Pieces of Life, Volume 2, was released December of 2019, Serena continues where she left off with a book filled with the ebbs and flow of life while one is healing from a relationship. As one was reconstructing their foundation based on giving too much of themselves in Pieces of Life, Volume 1, the pathway still has its challenges and opposition. It also has great joy and opportunities are birthed while healing. The Awakening reflects on one being raised without a father, workplace blues, battling illness, racism, etc., but still striving as one begins to discover their true calling in life through the arts and their journey to peace. Come along a new poetic journey and experience The Awakening!



  • Scenic South Dakota by Jenice Johnson-Williams


“Your writing is a gift from God, utilize it in every way possible.” Kendall Washington, Published Author


The Awakening Book Trailer

Books and E-books are Available at her store and also available on Amazon .

If you would like to contact Serena for autographed copies in bulk, book signings, workshops, author talks and more events click here and leave a message.