Coaching and Workshops

Publishing Coaching Services & Workshops 

Photo Credit By Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels

Do you feel it’s time to start writing your book, in the midst of writing or almost done and need guidance on the self-publishing process? Look no further! Serena Wills is now offering coaching services for people who need extra assistance in these areas and workshops for those who want to learn about the journey from starting to write a book all the way to self-publishing and having a book signing. Below are tiers of services offered so whether you need one on one coaching, in a group or a workshop to get you to the next level, let Serena be of assistance. Time to release your story and birth that book!



Getting a book published is not a race. It’s a marathon on a long road. It takes time to get to the finish line. In this tier of services you will receive one-on-one services or you can partner with a friend to discuss your goals, how you want to get started with writing your book, look at ways you will hold yourself accountable and start to piece together a road map to get your book written and ways to self-publish your book.  This is a one time intensive meeting which will be 2 hours. Some people just need a jump start and help with planning out this great accomplishment. If you feel you need more sessions down the road or right away then we can explore tier two below.

Cost for Service: $100.00

Partner Price (Two People Being Coached Together): $75.00 each



This tier offers multiple sessions whether it’s 3, 5, 7 or 10 needed. These sessions will assist the client in moving along in the process. We will take a deeper dive into writing the book, accountability which is huge in this process, review any obstacles that may get in the way and how to address them and add in health and wellness coaching as well. You can’t write a book if you are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually running on empty and lacking creativity. We will look at the in’s and outs of you not only getting your book written and published but what is it going to take internally to keep moving you along in this process. The goal is to assist you on the path to the book being written or even through the finish line of getting it self-published.

This can be done individually or in a small group setting.

Please Contact for Individual or Group Pricing (2-3 people)


Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels


Stay tuned for the next workshop! In the meantime, you can purchase a downloadable workshop through the store here.

Many have poured into me and helped me to get published and now it’s my turn to pay it forward. In this dynamic interactive workshop, participants will learn about the foundation of self-publishing and the steps that it takes to go from starting the writing process, completing the book to being self-published. I talk about accountability, copywriting and how to legally protect your work, the editing process, book layout, how to publish the book, marketing tips and various ways to do book signings. This workshop is designed for anyone whether they want to write a book or just learn about the process.


“I attended this workshop and loved it. I left wanting more.”

“This workshop is great for those looking to self-publish and for those who have self-published (like myself) who are looking for additional resources and tips for their next projects.”

“It was such an amazing class! Thank You!”

You can also purchase the recorded workshop for $28.00 which comes with a downloadable handout at the store


(Stay tuned for the next workshop)!

Workshop participants have asked for a follow up to 101 so I created Self-Publishing 201: Next Steps. Here we will pick up where we left off in the last workshop and do a deeper dive and look at what is next after you self-publish that first book. We will review more marketing tips, ways to reach out to people, investing in a website, a deeper look into ways to self-publish if you want to change the first way you did it and what some of the best companies are offering in regard to print and price, building your audience, how to use your books as tools and resources for other, partnering with organizations and more. The work is never done once you publish a book, the goal is to now build momentum on the first book and keep it going.

This workshop is for participants who have taken Self-Publishing 101 (or have taken other classes and want to learn more) and ready to take that deep dive and learn more!


“I learned so much from Serena about the in’s and outs of self-publishing. I appreciated her transparency about her journey and all of the information that she presented!”

“I thought that I was taking too long on writing my book, let alone publishing it and Serena taught me that writing and self-publishing is not a race, but a marathon. The goal is to finish but the timeline is up to me. I felt so much better and now I am buckling down and writing again and I know I will be published. Thank you!”

“I found Serena Wills did a great job of compressing so much useful information, along with great insights, in a relatively short amount of time. She was great at answering the viewers different types of questions, which is not always the case in webinars. “

Stay tuned for future dates and times and how to sign up. If you are an organization or company and would like to sponsor one for the community or your constituents, then please contact me here.

Can’t make the next workshop date? You Can Now Purchase the Recorded Self-Publishing 201 Workshop in the store for $28.00 which includes a downloadable PDF, click here for purchase.

It’s Time to Start the Journey.

I am Looking Forward to Being Your Guide on the Side and Seeing Your Book Published.

Love Is Poetry Workshop Series


Love is a universal language and poetry blends in perfectly with teaching people about it. These workshops are open to the public for ages 16 and up. In each 1.5-hour workshop, a safe and creative space will be open for those who want to will learn about various forms of poetry. Participants will be invited to write poems using that form of poetry during the workshops using the theme of love and if they choose to, they can share their poetry at the end of each workshop. Poems can be about a love for their family, friends, teachers (past or present), pets, community, jobs, hobbies, memories, self-love, etc. We will conclude each workshop with a sharing of poems from participants. An example of workshops are below. Other forms we can explore are Cleave, Triptych, Metaphoric, Prose, List poems, Haikus and more.

What is free verse poetry and do all poems need to rhyme? Participants will learn about this form of poetry and the myth that all poems need to rhyme will be dispelled. People will be able to write poetry during a 10–15-minute block of time and at the end of workshop, there will be a sharing.

Let’s Tell a Story Through Narrative Poetry!

In this workshop, participants will learn about the art of storytelling through narrative poetry and what this form is all about. Narrative poems can be short or long and can use characters, a theme and setting. Participants will be given 15 minutes to write a poem and at the end, there will be sharing.

Pantoum Poems and the Art of Stanzas!

Participants will learn about this unique and creative form of poetry and how to use stanzas. The great thing about this form of poetry is that every stanza will have something from the last one. Let’s roll up our sleeves for this one! People will be able to write in a 15-minute block of time and at the end, there will be a sharing.

Writing the Next Chapter: Embracing Self-Care During and After Caregiving

(For former and/or current caregivers and loved ones in transition)

Stay Tuned for Next Workshop

Whether we are caring for a loved one due to illness, when they heal or unfortunately pass away; we are left with asking ourselves, “Where Do We Go from Here and What is Next for Me?” I lost both my younger sister and mother 2.5 years apart. While I was my mother’s caregiver when she had Ovarian Cancer, I took very good care of her, but lost sight of myself. I didn’t take care of myself, even down to the basics and after I lost her, my sense of purpose was blurry, and I needed help getting back on my path and even figuring out what my new path looked like. In this workshop we will explore my poetry book, “Crying Tears of Teal” which was partially written at my mother’s bedside and some take-aways from the book. We will look at where we are presently standing as caregivers or former ones, review our feelings and emotions, take a self-care inventory to see if we are taking care of ourselves (are we eating, going to the doctor, sleeping, working out) and start to look at what do we  need and want for ourselves, what are our dreams and goals and what would our loved ones want for us now and in the future.

We will go through the journey as a caregiver, poems from Crying Tears of Teal and how it is helping many as a resource, a self-care inventory and look at easy ways that we can take better care of ourselves, do some mindfulness exercises and more.

In this 2-hour virtual workshop, participants will walk away with written next steps, some take-aways that can help them along their path, we will write a letter or poem to our loved ones or us about how we promise to make sure we are taking care of ourselves, self-care strategies and a mindful meditation. Let’s see what we need now and what may be next for us on our path.

If we don’t take care of ourselves…then we can’t take care of others efficiently.

Performance Tips and Getting Organized for the In-Person Author Events

A lot of artists and authors focus on their craft and gift which is fantastic! However, when it’s time to get ready to perform, get organized for the event, how to take questions from the floor, being on a panel and even on site, we fall apart. In this 1.5-2-hour workshop, I walk people through what it takes to get very organized, how to prepare to hit the mic, display your art, managing solo events versus festivals and collaborations, how to partner with organizations and companies, and more. This is a step-by-step workshop, so people walk away with a road map, will feel more confident and organized.

When is the next workshop???

Stay tuned for more information on where workshops will be help and how to register. If you are an organization, company, college, etc and would like to know how I can offer these amazing workshops at your institution, then please contact me here. Also feel free to subscribe to my newsletter by using the pop-up on my webpage or you can follow my Facebook page at